Source code for patch.objects

from .core import transform, transform_record, _is_sequence
from .error_handler import catch_hoc_error, CatchRecord

_registration_queue = []
_had_pointers_wrapped = set()

def _safe_call(method):
    Internal decorator to defer a method to the underlying NEURON object,
    unpacking all args and returning the result to the decorated method.

    def caller(self, *args, **kwargs):
        call_result = self._safe_call(method.__name__, *args, **kwargs)
        return method(self, call_result, *args, **kwargs)

    return caller

[docs]class PythonHocObject: def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) try: from .interpreter import PythonHocInterpreter except ImportError: _registration_queue.append(cls) return PythonHocInterpreter.register_hoc_object(cls) def __init__(self, interpreter, ptr): # Initialize ourselves with a reference to our own "pointer" # and prepare a list for other references. self._neuron_ptr = transform(ptr) self._references = [] self._interpreter = interpreter super().__init__() def __getattr__(self, attr): # Return underlying attributes that aren't explicitly set on the wrapper return getattr(self.__dict__["_neuron_ptr"], attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # Set attributes on the underlying pointer, and set on self if they don't # exist on the underlying pointer. This allows you to set arbitrary values # on the NEURON objects as you would be able to with a real Pythonic object. try: setattr(self._neuron_ptr, attr, value) except (LookupError, AttributeError) as _: self.__dict__[attr] = value def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Relay calls to self to the underlying pointer return self._neuron_ptr(*args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): # Create an iterator from ourselves. ptr = self.__neuron__() if type(ptr).__name__ == "Section": # Iter on section isn't a full iterator. return ptr # Relay iteration to the underlying pointer try: return iter(ptr) except TypeError: raise def __bool__(self): return True def __len__(self): # Relay length to pointer return len(self.__neuron__()) def __eq__(self, other): return transform(self) is transform(other) def __repr__(self): ostr = object.__repr__(self) return ostr[: ostr.rindex("at")] + "pointing to '" + str(self.__neuron__()) + "'>" def __hash__(self): return object.__hash__(self)
[docs] def __neuron__(self): """ Magic method that is called when this object is passed to NEURON. """ return self._neuron_ptr
[docs] def __ref__(self, obj): """ Magic method that is called when a strong reference needs to be stored on the object. """ if obj not in self._references: self._references.append(obj)
[docs] def __deref__(self, obj): """ Magic method that is called when a strong reference needs to be removed from the object. """ try: self._references.remove(obj) return True except ValueError: return False
def _safe_call(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Unpacks all arguments to their NEURON variant and retrieves the naked function from the HocObject then calls it. """ func = getattr(transform(self), func_name) args = [transform(a) for a in args] kwargs = {k: transform(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Connectable: def __init__(self): # Prepare a dictionary that lists which other NEURON parts this is connected to self._connections = {}
[docs]class PointerWrapper: def __init__(self, attr): self._attr = attr def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return owner value = getattr(instance.__neuron__(), self._attr) t = instance._interpreter.t class SimulationValue(type(value)): def __record__(v): return getattr(instance.__neuron__(), f"_ref_{self._attr}") def __str__(v): return str(type(value)(v)) def __repr__(v): return f"<{self._attr}={value} at t={t} of {instance}>" return SimulationValue(value)
[docs]class WrapsPointers: def __init__(self): self._init_pointers_wrappers() def _init_pointers_wrappers(self): cls = type(self) target = self.__neuron__() hoctype = str(target).split("[")[0].split("_0x")[0] if hoctype not in _had_pointers_wrapped: for k in dir(target): if not k.startswith("_"): try: is_ptr = str(getattr(target, f"_ref_{k}", None)).startswith( "<pointer" ) except: is_ptr = False if is_ptr: setattr(cls, k, PointerWrapper(k)) _had_pointers_wrapped.add(hoctype)
[docs]class Section(PythonHocObject, Connectable, WrapsPointers): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PythonHocObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Connectable.__init__(self)
[docs] def connect(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """ Connect this section to another one as child section. """ nrn_target = transform(target) self.__neuron__().connect(nrn_target, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(target, "__ref__"): target.__ref__(self) self.__ref__(target)
@property def parent(self): """ Returns the parent of the Section, or ``None`` """ ref = self._interpreter.SectionRef(sec=self) return Section(self._interpreter, ref.parent) if ref.has_parent() else None def __arc__(self): """ Return the default arc-position (a point in the closed interval [0, 1] that represents the position between start and end of the Section). Defaults to 0.5 """ return 0.5 def __netcon__(self): """ Return the default pointer to connect to a NetCon. Defaults to ``self(0.5)._ref_v`` """ return self(self.__arc__()).__netcon__() def __record__(self): """ Return the default pointer to record. Defaults to ``self(0.5)._ref_v`` """ return self(self.__arc__()).__record__() def __call__(self, x, ephemeral=False, *args, **kwargs): v = super().__call__(x, *args, **kwargs) if type(v).__name__ != "Segment": # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("Section call did not return a Segment.") seg = Segment(self._interpreter, v, self) if not ephemeral: # By default store references to segments, but allow for them to be # garbage collected if `ephemeral=True` seg.__ref__(self) self.__ref__(seg) return seg def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs): iter = super().__iter__(*args, **kwargs) for v in iter: if type(v).__name__ != "Segment": # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("Section iteration did not return a Segment.") yield Segment(self._interpreter, v, self)
[docs] def insert(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Insert a mechanism into the Section. """ # Catch nrn.Section return value, always seems to be self. # So if Neuron doesn't raise an error, return self. # Probably for method chaining? self.__neuron__().insert(*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def connect_points(self, target, x=None, **kwargs): """ Connect a Segment of this Section to a target. Usually used to connect the membrane potential to a point process. """ if x is None: x = self.__arc__() segment = self(x) self.push() nc = self._interpreter.NetCon(segment, target, **kwargs) self._interpreter.pop_section() return nc
[docs] def set_dimensions(self, length, diameter): """ Set the length and diameter of the piece of cable this Section will represent in the simulation. """ self.L = length self.diam = diameter
[docs] def set_segments(self, segments): """ Set the number of discrete points where equations are solved during simulation. """ self.nseg = segments
[docs] def add_3d(self, points, diameters=None): """ Add new 3D points to this section xyz data. :param points: A 2D array of xyz points. :param diameters: A scalar or array of diameters corresponding to the points. Default value is the section diameter. :type diameters: float or array """ if diameters is None: diameters = [self.diam for _ in range(len(points))] if not _is_sequence(diameters): diameters = [diameters for _ in range(len(points))] self.__neuron__().push() for point, diameter in zip(points, diameters): self._interpreter.pt3dadd(*point, diameter) self._interpreter.pop_section()
@property def points(self): """ Return the 3d point information associated to this section. """ import numpy return numpy.column_stack( ( [self.x3d(n) for n in range(self.n3d())], [self.y3d(n) for n in range(self.n3d())], [self.z3d(n) for n in range(self.n3d())], ) )
[docs] def wholetree(self): """ Return the whole tree of child Sections :rtype: List[patch.Section] """ return [Section(self._interpreter, s) for s in self.__neuron__().wholetree()]
[docs] def record(self, x=None): """ Record the Section at a certain point. :param x: Arcpoint, defaults to ``__arc__`` if omitted. :type x: float """ if x is None: x = self.__arc__() if not hasattr(self, "recordings"): self.recordings = {} if not x in self.recordings: recorder = self._interpreter.Vector() recorder.record(self(x)) self.recordings[x] = recorder return recorder return self.recordings[x]
[docs] def synapse(self, factory, *args, store=False, **kwargs): """ Insert a synapse into the Section. :param factory: Callable that creates a point process, is given the Section as first argument and passes on all other args. :type factory: callable :param store: Store the synapse on the Section in a ``synapses`` attribute. :type store: bool """ synapse = factory(self, *args, **kwargs) if store: if not hasattr(self, "synapses"): self.synapses = [] self.synapses.append(synapse) return synapse
[docs] def iclamp(self, x=0.5, delay=0, duration=100, amplitude=0): """ Create a current clamp on the section. :param x: Location along the segment from 0 to 1. :type x: float :param delay: Duration of the pre-step holding interval, from `0` to `delay` ms. :type delay: float :param duration: Duration of the step interval, from `delay` to `delay + duration` ms. :type duration: float :param amplitude: Can be a single value to define the current during the step (`delay` to `delay + duration` ms), or a sequence to play after `delay` ms. This will play 1 value of the sequence into the clamp per timestep. :type amplitude: Union[float, List[float]] :returns: The current clamp placed in the section. :rtype: :class:`.objects.SEClamp` """ clamp = self._interpreter.IClamp(x=x, sec=self) clamp.delay = delay clamp.dur = duration if _is_sequence(amplitude): # If its a sequence play it as a vector into the clamp dt = self._interpreter.dt t = self._interpreter.Vector([delay + dt * i for i in range(len(amplitude))]) v = self._interpreter.Vector(amplitude, t), t.__neuron__()) clamp.__ref__(v) clamp.__ref__(t) else: clamp.amp = amplitude return clamp
[docs] def vclamp(self, x=0.5, delay=0, duration=100, after=0, voltage=-70, holding=-70): """ Create a voltage clamp on the section. :param x: Location along the segment from 0 to 1. :type x: float :param delay: Duration of the pre-step holding interval, from `0` to `delay` ms. :type delay: float :param duration: Duration of the step interval, from `delay` to `delay + duration` ms. :type duration: float :param after: Duration of the post-step holding interval, from `delay + duration` to `delay + duration + after` ms. :type after: float :param voltage: Can be a single value to define the voltage during the step (`delay` to `delay + duration` ms), or 3 values to define the pre-step, step and post-step voltages altogether. :type voltage: Union[float, List[float]] :param holding: If `voltage` is a single value, `holding` is used for the pre-step and post-step voltages. :type holding: float :returns: The single electrode voltage clamp placed in the section. :rtype: :class:`.objects.SEClamp` """ clamp = self._interpreter.SEClamp(x=x, sec=self) clamp.dur1 = delay clamp.dur2 = duration clamp.dur3 = after try: voltage = iter(voltage) except TypeError: clamp.amp1 = holding clamp.amp2 = voltage clamp.amp3 = holding else: voltage = list(voltage) clamp.amp1 = voltage[0] clamp.amp2 = voltage[1] clamp.amp3 = voltage[2] return clamp
[docs] def push(self): """ Return a context manager that pushes this Section onto the section stack and takes it off when the context is exited. """ transform(self).push() return _SectionStackContextManager(self)
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pop this section off the section stack. """ if self == self._interpreter.cas(): self._interpreter.pop_section() else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot pop this section as it is not on top of the section stack" )
class _SectionStackContextManager: def __init__(self, section): self._section = section def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, *args): self._section.pop()
[docs]class SectionRef(PythonHocObject): @property def child(self): return [Section(self._interpreter, s) for s in self.__neuron__().child]
[docs]class Vector(PythonHocObject):
[docs] def record(self, target, *args, **kwargs): nrn_target = transform_record(target) with catch_hoc_error(CatchRecord, target=target): self.__neuron__().record(nrn_target, *args, **kwargs) self.__ref__(target) return self
[docs]class IClamp(PythonHocObject, WrapsPointers): pass
[docs]class SEClamp(PythonHocObject, WrapsPointers): pass
[docs]class NetStim(PythonHocObject, Connectable): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PythonHocObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Connectable.__init__(self)
[docs]class VecStim(PythonHocObject, Connectable): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PythonHocObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Connectable.__init__(self) @property def vector(self): return self._vector @property def pattern(self): return self._pattern.copy()
[docs]class NetCon(PythonHocObject):
[docs] def record(self, vector=None): if vector is not None: self._neuron_ptr.record(transform(vector)) self.recorder = vector if hasattr(vector, "__ref__"): vector.__ref__(self) else: if not hasattr(self, "recorder"): vector = self._interpreter.Vector() self._neuron_ptr.record(transform(vector)) self.recorder = vector if hasattr(vector, "__ref__"): vector.__ref__(self) return self.recorder
[docs]class Segment(PythonHocObject, Connectable, WrapsPointers): def __init__(self, interpreter, ptr, section, **kwargs): PythonHocObject.__init__(self, interpreter, ptr, **kwargs) Connectable.__init__(self) WrapsPointers.__init__(self) self.section = section def __netcon__(self): return self.__neuron__()._ref_v def __record__(self): return self.__neuron__()._ref_v
[docs]class PointProcess(PythonHocObject, Connectable, WrapsPointers): """ Wrapper for all point processes (membrane and synapse mechanisms). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PythonHocObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Connectable.__init__(self) WrapsPointers.__init__(self)
[docs] def stimulate(self, pattern=None, weight=0.04, delay=0.0, **kwargs): """ Stimulate a point process. :param pattern: Specific stimulus event times to play into the point process. :type pattern: list[float] :param kwargs: All keyword arguments will be passed set on the :class:`NetStim <neuron:NetStim>` """ from . import connection if pattern is None: # No specific pattern given, create NetStim stimulus = self._interpreter.NetStim() for kw, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(stimulus.__neuron__(), kw, value) else: # Specific pattern required, create VecStim stimulus = self._interpreter.VecStim(pattern=pattern) self._interpreter.NetCon(stimulus, self, weight=weight, delay=delay) return stimulus
def _get_obj_registration_queue(): return _registration_queue