Candy Guide

Read through this guide to get an idea of the sugar you’re getting.


All objects in Patch that depend on each other reference each other, meaning that Python won’t garbage collect parts of your simulation that you explicitly defined. An example of this is that when you create a synapse and a NetStim and connect them together with a NetCon, you only have to hold on to 1 of the variables for Patch to know that if you’re holding on to a NetCon you are most likely interested in the parts it is connected to. There is no longer a need to store every single NEURON variable in a list or on an object somewhere. This drastically cleans up your code.

Sections & Segments

  • When connecting Sections together they all reference each other.

  • Whenever you’re using a Section where a Segment is expected, a default Segment will be used (Segment 0.5):

s = p.Section()
syn = p.ExpSyn(s)
# syn = h.ExpSyn(s(0.5))
  • Whenever a Section/Segment is recorded or connected and a NEURON scalar is expected _ref_v is used:

s = p.Section()
v = p.Vector()
v.record(s) # v.record(s(0.7)._ref_v)
  • Sections can record themselves at multiple points:

s = p.Section()
s.record() # Creates a vector, makes it record s(0.5)._ref_v and stores it as a recorder
s.record(0.7) # Records s(0.5)._ref_v

plt.plot(list(s.recordings[0.5]), list(p.time))
  • Sections can connect themselves to a PointProcess target with .connect_points, which handles NetCon stack access transparently. This allows for example for easy creation of synaptic contacts between a Section and a target synapse:

s = p.Section()
target_syn = p.Section().synapse(p.ExpSyn) # Creates an ExpSyn synapse
s.connect_points(target_syn) # Creates a NetCon between s(0.5)._ref_v and target_syn
  • Create a current clamp in a Section and configure it with keyword arguments:

clamp = p.Section().iclamp(amp=10, delay=0, duration=100)
# Pass an array to inject a varying current per timestep starting from the delay.
clamp2 = p.Section().iclamp(amp=[i for i in range(1000)], delay=100)
  • You can place Sections on the stack with .push(), .pop() or a context manager:

s = p.Section()
with s.push():
  s_clamp = p.IClamp()
# `s` is automatically popped from the stack when the context is exited.
  • p.SectionRef can be called with either an arg or sec kwarg:

s = p.Section()
sr = p.SectionRef(sec=s)
sr = p.SectionRef(s)

Parallel networks

When you get to the level of the network the work becomes alot easier if you can describe your cells in a more structured way, so be sure to check out Arborize.

If you want to stay vanilla Patch still has you covered; it comes with out-of-the-box parallelization. Introducing the transmitter-receiver pattern:

if == 0:
  transmitter = ParallelCon(obj1, gid)
if == 1:
  receiver = ParallelCon(gid, obj2)

Just these 2 commands will create a transmitter on node 0 that broadcasts the spikes of obj1 (sections, segments) with the specified GID and a receiver on node 1 for obj2 (synapses, most likely?) that listens to spikes with that GID. Know that under the hood it needs to be something that can be connected to a NetCon.

That’s it. You are now spiking in parallel!

Arbitrary data broadcasting

MPI has a great feature, it allows broadcasting data to other nodes. In NEURON this is restricted to just Vectors. Patch gives you back the freedom to transmit arbitrary data. Anything that can be pickled can be transmitted:

data = None # It's important to declare your var on all nodes to avoid NameErrors
if == 12:
  data = np.random.randint((12,12,12))
received = p.parallel.broadcast(data, root=12)