Source code for patch.interpreter

from .objects import (
from .core import (
from .exceptions import *
from .error_handler import catch_hoc_error, CatchNetCon, CatchSectionAccess, _suppress_nrn
from functools import wraps, cached_property

# We don't need to reraise ImportErrors, they should be clear enough by themselves. If not
# and you're reading this: Fix the NEURON install, it's currently not importable ;)
import neuron as _nrn
from neuron import h as _h

_nrnver = _nrn.version
    _nrnv_parts = [int(p) if p.isnumeric() else p for p in _nrnver.split(".")]
    if (
        _nrnv_parts[0] < 7 or _nrnv_parts[0] == 7 and _nrnv_parts[1] < 8
    ):  # pragma: nocover
        raise ImportError("Patch 3.0+ only supports NEURON v7.8.0 or higher.")
except:  # pragma: nocover
    import warnings

        f"Could not establish whether Patch supports installed NEURON version `{_nrnver}`"

[docs]class PythonHocInterpreter: __point_processes = [] __h = _h def __init__(self): self.__loaded_extensions = [] self.load_file("stdrun.hoc") self.runtime = 0 self.celsius = 32 @classmethod def _process_registration_queue(cls): """ Most PythonHocObject classes (all those provided by Patch for sure) are created before the PythonHocInterpreter class is available. Yet they require the class to combine the original pointer from ``h.<object>`` (e.g. ``h.Section``) with a function that defers to their constructor so that you can call ``p.Section()`` and create a PythonHocObject wrapped around the underlying ``h`` pointer. This function is called right after the PythonHocInterpreter class is created so that PythonHocObjects can place themselves in a queue and have themselves registered into the class right after it's ready. """ for hoc_object_class in _get_obj_registration_queue(): cls.register_hoc_object(hoc_object_class)
[docs] @classmethod def register_hoc_object(interpreter_class, hoc_object_class): h = interpreter_class.__h if hoc_object_class.__name__ in interpreter_class.__dict__: # The function call was overridden in the interpreter and should not be destroyed. return hoc_object_name = hoc_object_class.__name__ # If the original interpreter doesn't have a function with the same name we can't # simplify the constructor of the PythonHocObject and shouldn't wrap it. if hasattr(h, hoc_object_name): # Wrap it in the interpreter with a call to the underlying `h` to obtain a pointer # and use that to make our PythonHocObject factory = getattr(h, hoc_object_name) @wraps(hoc_object_class.__init__) def wrapper(interpreter_instance, *args, **kwargs): hoc_ptr = factory(*args, **kwargs) return hoc_object_class(interpreter_instance, hoc_ptr) setattr(interpreter_class, hoc_object_class.__name__, wrapper)
def __getattr__(self, attr_name): # Get the missing attribute from h return getattr(self.__h, attr_name) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if hasattr(self.__h, attr): setattr(self.__h, attr, value) else: self.__dict__[attr] = value
[docs] def nrn_load_dll(self, path): result = self.__h.nrn_load_dll(path) self.__class__._wrap_point_processes() return result
[docs] def NetCon(self, source, target, *args, **kwargs): nrn_source = transform_netcon(source) nrn_target = transform_netcon(target) # Change the NetCon signature so that weight, delay and threshold become # independent optional keyword arguments. setters = {} # Set sensible defaults: NetCons appear not to work sometimes if they're not set. defaults = {"weight": 0.1, "delay": 0, "threshold": -20} setter_keys = ["weight", "delay", "threshold"] for key in setter_keys: if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = defaults[key] setters[key] = kwargs[key] del kwargs[key] if is_section(source): kwargs["sec"] = transform(source) if "sec" in kwargs: kwargs["sec"] = transform(kwargs["sec"]) # Execute HOC NetCon and wrap result into `connection` with catch_hoc_error(CatchNetCon, nrn_source=nrn_source, nrn_target=nrn_target): connection = NetCon( self, self.__h.NetCon(nrn_source, nrn_target, *args, **kwargs), ) # Set the weight, delay and threshold independently for k, v in setters.items(): if k == "weight": if hasattr(type(v), "__iter__"): # pragma: nocover for i, w in enumerate(v): connection.weight[i] = w else: connection.weight[0] = v else: setattr(connection, k, v) # Have the NetCon reference source and target connection.__ref__(source) connection.__ref__(target) # If target is None, this NetCon is used as a spike detector. if target is not None: # Connect source and target. assert_connectable(source, label="Source") assert_connectable(target, label="Target") source._connections[target] = connection target._connections[source] = connection elif hasattr(source, "__ref__"): # Since the connection isn't established, make sure that the source and NetCon # reference eachother both ways source.__ref__(connection) return connection
[docs] def ParallelCon(self, a, b, output=True, *args, **kwargs): a_int = isinstance(a, int) b_int = isinstance(b, int) gid = a if a_int else b if a_int != b_int: if b_int: source = a nc = self.NetCon(source, None, *args, **kwargs) self.parallel.set_gid2node(gid, self.parallel.cell(gid, nc) if output: self.parallel.outputcell(gid) return nc else: target = b nrn_target = transform_netcon(target) nrn_nc = self.parallel.gid_connect(gid, nrn_target) # Wrap the gid_connect NetCon nc = NetCon(self, nrn_nc) nc.__ref__(b) b.__ref__(nc) if "delay" in kwargs: nc.delay = kwargs["delay"] if "weight" in kwargs: nc.weight[0] = kwargs["weight"] nc.threshold = kwargs["threshold"] if "threshold" in kwargs else -20.0 return nc else: raise ParallelConnectError( "Exactly one of the first or second arguments has to be a GID." )
[docs] def SectionRef(self, *args, sec=None): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError( f"SectionRef takes 1 positional argument but {len(args)} given." ) if sec is None: if args: sec = args[0] else: sec = self.cas() if not sec: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError( "SectionRef() failed as there is no currently accessed section available. Please specify a Section." ) ref = SectionRef(self, self.__h.SectionRef(sec=transform(sec))) if transform(sec) is sec: sec = Section(self, sec) ref.__ref__(sec) ref.__dict__["sec"] = sec ref.section = sec return ref
[docs] def ParallelContext(self): return self.parallel
[docs] def VecStim(self, pattern=None, *args, **kwargs): import glia as g mod_name = g.resolve("VecStim") vec_stim = VecStim(self, getattr(self.__h, mod_name)(*args, **kwargs)) if pattern is not None: pattern_vector = self.Vector(pattern) self._vector = pattern_vector self._pattern = pattern return vec_stim
[docs] def IClamp(self, x=0.5, sec=None): sec = sec if sec is not None else self.cas() clamp = IClamp(self, self.__h.IClamp(x, sec=transform(sec))) clamp.__ref__(sec) if hasattr(sec, "__ref__"): sec.__ref__(clamp) return clamp
[docs] def SEClamp(self, sec, x=0.5): clamp = SEClamp(self, self.__h.SEClamp(transform(sec(x)))) clamp.__ref__(sec) if hasattr(sec, "__ref__"): sec.__ref__(clamp) return clamp
@cached_property def time(self): t = self.Vector() # Fix for upstream NEURON bug. See if not any(self.allsec()): # pragma: nocover self.__dud_section = self.Section(name="this_is_here_to_record_time") t.record(self._ref_t) return t
[docs] def load_extension(self, extension): # pragma: nocover if extension in self.__loaded_extensions: return from . import get_data_file hoc_file = get_data_file("extensions", extension + ".hoc").replace("\\", "/") self.__h.load_file(hoc_file) self.__loaded_extensions.append(extension)
[docs] def finitialize(self, initial=None): self._setup_transfer() if initial is not None: self.__h.finitialize(initial) else: self.__h.finitialize() self.runtime = 0 self._finitialized = True
[docs] def continuerun(self, time_stop, add=False): if not hasattr(self, "_finitialized"): # pragma: nocover raise UninitializedError( "Cannot start NEURON simulation without first using `p.finitialize`." ) if add: self.__h.continuerun(self.runtime + time_stop) self.runtime += time_stop else: self.__h.continuerun(time_stop) self.runtime = time_stop
[docs] def run(self): if not hasattr(self, "_finitialized"): # pragma: nocover raise UninitializedError( "Cannot start NEURON simulation without first using `p.finitialize`." )
[docs] def cas(self): # Currently error won't be triggered as h.cas() exits on undefined section acces: # try: with catch_hoc_error(CatchSectionAccess): return Section(self, self.__h.cas()) except HocSectionAccessError: # pragma: nocover return None
def _init_pc(self): if not hasattr(self, "_PythonHocInterpreter__pc"): # Completely rely on mpi4py to initialize MPI. See # # When it is fixed we can remove mpi4py as a dependency. from mpi4py import MPI # Check whether MPI and NEURON agree on the ParallelContext. # If not, make sure to help the user rectify this problem. if ( MPI.COMM_WORLD.size != self.__h.ParallelContext().nhost() ): # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError( "MPI could not be initialized. You're using NEURON {}," + " please upgrade to NEURON 7.7+" + " or make sure that you import `mpi4py` before importing" + " either NEURON or Patch." ) self.__pc = ParallelContext(self, self.__h.ParallelContext()) @property def parallel(self): self._init_pc() return self.__pc
[docs] def record(self, target): v = self.Vector() v.record(target) return v
@classmethod def _wrap_point_processes(cls): # Filter out all the point processes in the interpreter point_processes = [k for k in dir(cls.__h) if is_point_process(k)] old_point_processes = cls.__point_processes # Check if there are any new things to wrap. for point_process in set(point_processes) - set(old_point_processes): # For each point process check if a function already exists, if not, wrap the # HocInterpreter factory function. if point_process not in cls.__dict__: setattr(cls, point_process, cls._wrap_point_process(point_process)) cls.__point_processes = point_processes @classmethod def _wrap_point_process(cls, point_process): # Create a function that has the right `f.__code__.co_name` for error messages. exec( f"""def {point_process}(self, target, *args, **kwargs): h = getattr(self, '_PythonHocInterpreter__h') factory = getattr(h, '{point_process}') og_target = target if hasattr(target, "__arc__"): target = target(target.__arc__(), ephemeral=True) nrn_target = transform(target) nrn_ptr = factory(nrn_target, *args, **kwargs) point_process = PointProcess(self, nrn_ptr) if hasattr(og_target, "__ref__"): og_target.__ref__(point_process) point_process.__ref__(og_target) return point_process""" ) return locals()[point_process] def _setup_transfer(self): # pragma: nocover from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD should_setup = sum(comm.allgather(self.parallel._transfer_flag)) if should_setup: self.parallel.setup_transfer()
[docs]class ParallelContext(PythonHocObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._transfer_max = -1 self._transfer_flag = False
[docs] def cell(self, gid, nc): transform(self).cell(gid, transform(nc))
@_safe_call def source_var(self, call_result, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: nocover key = args[-1] if key < 0: raise ValueError("Transfer variable keys must be larger than 0.") # Store the highest used identifier self._transfer_max = max(self._transfer_max, args[-1]) self._transfer_flag = True return call_result @_safe_call def target_var(self, call_result, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: nocover key = args[-1] if key < 0: raise ValueError("Transfer variable keys must be larger than 0.") # Store the highest used identifier self._transfer_max = max(self._transfer_max, args[-1]) self._transfer_flag = True return call_result @_safe_call def setup_transfer(self, call_result, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: nocover self._transfer_flag = False return call_result
[docs] def broadcast(self, data, root=0): """ Broadcast either a Vector or arbitrary picklable data. If ``data`` is a Vector, the Vectors are resized and filled with the data from the Vector in the ``root`` node. If ``data`` is not a Vector, it is pickled, transmitted and returned from this function to all nodes. :param data: The data to broadcast to the nodes. :type data: :class:`Vector <.objects.Vector>` or any picklable object. :param root: The id of the node that is broadcasting the data. :type root: int :returns: None (Vectors filled) or the transmitted data :raises: BroadcastError if ``neuron.hoc.HocObjects`` that aren't Vectors are transmitted """ import neuron data_ptr = transform(data) # Is anyone broadcasting a HocObject? if isinstance(data_ptr, neuron.hoc.HocObject): # Comparing dir is used as a silly equality check because all NEURON object # have class 'neuron.hoc.HocObject' if dir(data_ptr) == dir(neuron.h.Vector()): # If this node is broadcasting a Vector, then proceed to traditional # broadcasting. If all nodes are broadcasting a Vector traditional # broadcasting will occur, otherwise a BroadcastError is thrown. transform(self).broadcast(data_ptr, root=root) else: # Send an empty vector so the other nodes don't hang. transform(self).broadcast(transform(self._interpreter.Vector()), root) raise BroadcastError( "NEURON HocObjects cannot be broadcasted, they need to be created on their own nodes." ) else: # If noone is sending a HocObject we proceed with picklable data broadcasting return self._broadcast(data, root=root)
def _broadcast(self, data, root=0): import pickle if == root: try: v = self._interpreter.Vector(list(pickle.dumps(data))) except Exception as e: # Send an empty vector so the other nodes don't hang waiting for a broadcast. transform(self).broadcast(transform(self._interpreter.Vector()), root) raise BroadcastError(str(e)) from None else: v = self._interpreter.Vector() v = transform(v) transform(self).broadcast(v, root) try: return pickle.loads(bytes([int(d) for d in v])) except EOFError: raise BroadcastError( "Root node did not transmit. Look for root node error." ) from None
PythonHocInterpreter._process_registration_queue() PythonHocInterpreter._wrap_point_processes()