Source code for patch.core

from contextlib import contextmanager
from .exceptions import *
import os, sys

[docs]def transform(obj): """ Transform an object to its NEURON representation, if the ``__neuron__`` magic method is present. """ if hasattr(obj, "__neuron__"): return obj.__neuron__() return obj
[docs]def transform_netcon(obj): """ Transform an object into the pointer that should be connected, if the ``__netcon__`` magic method is present. """ if hasattr(obj, "__netcon__"): return obj.__netcon__() return transform(obj)
[docs]def transform_record(obj): """ Transform an object into the pointer that should be recorded, if the ``__record__`` magic method is present. """ if hasattr(obj, "__record__"): return obj.__record__() return transform(obj)
[docs]def transform_arc(obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Get an arclength object on a NEURON object. Calls the ``__arc__`` magic method on the callable object if present, otherwise returns the transformed object. """ if hasattr(obj, "__arc__"): return transform(obj(obj.__arc__(*args, **kwargs))) else: return transform(obj)
def _is_sequence(obj): t = type(obj) return hasattr(t, "__len__") and hasattr(t, "__getitem__")
[docs]def assert_connectable(obj, label=None): """ Assert whether an object could be used as a :class:`~.objects.Connectable`. :param label: Optional label to display to describe the object if the assertion fails. :type label: str """ if not hasattr(obj, "_connections"): raise NotConnectableError( (label if label is not None else str(obj)) + " is not connectable." + "It lacks attribute `_connections` required to form NetCons." )
[docs]def is_section(obj): """ Check if the class name of an object is ``Section``. """ return type(transform(obj)).__name__ == "Section"
[docs]def is_point_process(name): """ Check if a PointProcess with ``name`` exists on the ``HocInterpreter``. :param name: Name of the PointProcess to look for. Needs to be a known attribute of ``neuron.h``. :type name: str :returns: Whether an attribute with ``name`` exists on ``neuron.h`` and has functions matching those expected to be present on a ``PointProcess``. :rtype: bool """ from neuron import h try: d = dir(getattr(h, name)) except: return False return all(k in d for k in ["get_loc", "has_loc", "loc", "get_segment"])