Source code for patch.interpreter

from .objects import PythonHocObject, NetCon, PointProcess
from .core import transform, transform_netcon, _suppress_stdout
from .exceptions import *
import io

[docs]class PythonHocInterpreter: def __init__(self): from neuron import h self.__dict__["_PythonHocInterpreter__h"] = h # Wrapping should occur around all calls to functions that share a name with # child classes of the PythonHocObject like h.Section, h.NetStim, h.NetCon self.__object_classes = PythonHocObject.__subclasses__().copy() self.__requires_wrapping = [cls.__name__ for cls in self.__object_classes] def __getattr__(self, attr_name): # Get the missing attribute from h, if it requires wrapping return a wrapped # object instead. attr = getattr(self.__h, attr_name) if attr_name in self.__requires_wrapping: return self.wrap(attr, attr_name) else: return attr def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if hasattr(self.__h, attr): setattr(self.__h, attr, value) else: self.__dict__[attr] = value
[docs] def wrap(self, factory, name): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): obj = factory(*args, **kwargs) cls = next((c for c in self.__object_classes if c.__name__ == name), None) return cls(self, obj) return wrapper
[docs] def NetCon(self, source, target, *args, **kwargs): nrn_source = transform_netcon(source) nrn_target = transform_netcon(target) with io.StringIO() as error_stream: try: with _suppress_stdout(error_stream): connection = NetCon( self, self.__h.NetCon(nrn_source, nrn_target, *args, **kwargs) ) except RuntimeError as e: error = error_stream.getvalue() if error.find("must be a point process or NULLObject") != -1: if error.find("arg 1") != -1: raise HocConnectError( "Source is not a point process. Transformed type: '{}'".format( type(nrn_source) ) ) from None if error.find("arg 2") != -1: raise HocConnectError( "Target is not a point process. Transformed type: '{}'".format( type(nrn_target) ) ) from None raise HocError(error) from None connection.__ref__(self) connection.__ref__(target) if not hasattr(source, "_connections"): raise NotConnectableError( "Source " + str(source) + " is not connectable. It lacks attribute _connections required to form NetCons." ) if not hasattr(target, "_connections"): raise NotConnectableError( "Target " + str(target) + " is not connectable. It lacks attribute _connections required to form NetCons." ) source._connections[target] = connection target._connections[source] = connection return connection
[docs] def PointProcess(self, factory, target, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a point process from a h.MyMechanism factory. :param factory: A point process method from the HocInterpreter. :type factory: function :param target: The Segment this point process has to be inserted into. :type target: :class:`.objects.Segment` """ nrn_target = transform(target) point_process = factory(nrn_target, *args, **kwargs) return PointProcess(self, point_process)
@property def time(self): if not hasattr(self, "_time"): t = self.Vector() # Quick fix for upstream bug. See t.record(self._ref_t, 0.1) self._time = t return self._time